"Imagine, a Being with a mind as great as God's, with feet like trees and a voice like rushing wind, telling you that you are His cherished creation." - Donald Miller

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Berean Applesauce

I really struggle to read my Bible. Not just on a daily basis, but on a regular basis. You know the kind of reading I mean? The kind where you are reading for yourself the story of God, not just researching for a Bible lesson or a quick scripture reference. I hate to admit this, but sometimes my dear Bible is lost under a pile of dirty clothes or under a stack of books. Even under the books about God by others.

A lot of times it's easier to go on the teachings of our brothers and sisters and their amazing faith than to be in the Word. I don't mean faith by hearing isn't good, but faith built solely on the words of others is hollow. It can be really easy to misunderstand a scripture if you aren't the one reading it and basing your faith solely off of someone else.

Today in church my friend and preacher Papa C talked with me about how important it is to really be reading the full story of God. Read this:
Acts 17:11

Welcome Back!
I love this scripture about the Bereans. It's one that I've heard a bunch, and it's always been a good reminder to read the scriptures. Although, for many years... I would say even up until this morning I had not considered (though it was pretty obvious!) that the Bereans weren't reading the gospels. They weren't reading the account of Jesus. They were looking at Jewish scripture and prophesy. Wow. How important is that knowledge?

It puts into context the entire purpose of the Bible. Old Testament and New Testament are pulled together and you see the whole picture when you realize that the entire Bible is God's love story for us. Without the knowledge of Jews looking at Jewish scripture, you miss the fact that they were seeing how mighty and powerful Jesus was and how God had planned this from the beginning.

Read this:

Ephesians 6:10-17

 I have heard teachers say to me a lot of times, oh Paul was talking about the Roman soldier. He was illustrating his point by describing the armor of a Roman soldier. Actually, no. He wasn't. I know a soldier is a soldier, and maybe that is what some of them were picturing. But more than likely those noble characters were searching these scriptures:

Isaiah 11:5
Isaiah 59:15-17

He was talking about JESUS! He was describing the unquenchable, burning love of our Savior and how mightily HE SAVED! I don't know about you, but reading about Jesus the soldier vs. Roman dude is way more exciting. It puts it all together for me. The greek word used to describe the whole armor is "panoply," like that verse from Soldiers of Christ, Arise, that says "but take to arm you for the fight, the panoply of God."
Papa C looks at me and says, "how many of us sing that song and wonder, what the heck is a panoply?" LOL. Oh my gosh, me! Arm yourself for the fight with the whole armor of God! Prepare your armor with a complete knowledge of scripture... not just to use in everyday life, but to understand how much God loves you.

Sometimes even our Bible teachers, while well intentioned, can confuse us if we don't get in the Word. Obviously my Bible teacher came from a long line of confused because I can remember coloring a picture of a Roman soldier that said "the whole armor of God". lol. She didn't realize where that scripture came from any more than I did.

When you read the Bible, you learn something new every time. Even if what you're learning is that you don't know a lot! But that's ok, God takes you where He wants you, which is right by His side. You could almost say he was dropping bread crumbs for you all along the way through the scriptures. You gotta follow the trail from the beginning. He wants to show you how deeply, longingly, desperately He loves YOU. All of you. Crazy you. Messed up, wonderful you. Just like a soldier He battles for your soul. He will not forsake you. From your first to final breath He pursues you with an unstoppable love.

But don't take my word for it! Read it.

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